A blue-toned close-up image of a computer chip and its extending connections
August 29, 2024

How Does 802.11bf Enhance Legacy Sensing?

From the early telegraph systems to the era of 5G networks, rapid, transformative advancements have marked the evolution of wireless technology. Particularly after the wireless revolution in the 1990s with the transition from 2G to 4G LTE networks, smartphones and other IoT devices are now everywhere. To keep pace with this breakneck speed, it’s paramount to understand the latest advancements and standards shaping the industry.  

One such groundbreaking development is the 802.11bf standard, which is a Wi-Fi standard developed by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) to seamlessly integrate motion sensing capabilities into Wi-Fi networks. This standard not only addresses the growing market demand for Wi-Fi Sensing applications but also promises to revolutionize wireless communication by enabling a diverse range of applications.  

The IEEE 802.11bf Task Group has been working for nearly four years to establish standardized guidelines for Wi-Fi chip hardware (MAC and PHY layers). In other words, the goal is to set uniform specifications and protocols to ensure compatibility and consistency across different systems and devices. Ultimately, these guidelines will enable devices to share Wi-Fi sensing capabilities, negotiate sensing measurement parameters, perform measurements, and exchange results. 

With the 802.11bf amendment scheduled for final approval in June 2025, we’re excited to introduce a three-part blog series. This series aims to illuminate how Wi-Fi Sensing is poised for a significant leap in market adoption, propelling Wi-Fi to the next level. We will cover the following topics: 

  1. How Does 802.11bf Enhance Legacy Sensing? 
  2. What Role Do Wi-Fi Mesh Networks Play in a Standardized Future? 
  3. How Will Wi-Fi Sensing Reach Mass Adoption? 

What is 802.11bf? 

The 802.11bf standard is meant to address the growing market demand for Wi-Fi Sensing applications. Unlike previous Wi-Fi standards focused on data transmission, 802.11bf enables devices to exchange sensing capabilities and negotiate sensing sessions for compatibility. The standard provides protocols for measuring channels in both directions (uplink and downlink), agreeing on sensing formats (subsets of available PPDU types), and enabling flexible sensing setups. Additionally, it offers tools for client-based sensing applications. These innovations not only enhance the utility of Wi-Fi networks but also promise to revolutionize wireless technology by enabling a new range of applications, from smart home devices to advanced security systems. 

While Wi-Fi Sensing is achievable without the ratified standard, 802.11bf will standardize processes, enhancing efficiency and efficacy, as many current Wi-Fi components were not initially designed with Wi-Fi Sensing applications in mind. As one of the first standards to integrate sensing into a communication framework, it sets a precedent for other standards like 802.15.4ab (ultra-wideband applications) and 3GPP (mobile telecommunications). To learn more about the importance of 802.11bf, you can read our blog on Wi-Fi Sensing standardization. 

As consumer interest in sensing applications grows, 802.11bf will play a crucial role in evolving wireless technology, offering significant benefits such as improved device interoperability, enhanced user experiences, and new functionalities previously unattainable with traditional Wi-Fi standards. 

The Goal Is Not to Re-Invent the Wheel 

It’s important to note that 802.11bf isn’t a radical overhaul of Wi-Fi that might leave slower adopters behind. Instead, it’s an amendment to the existing Wi-Fi standard, leveraging the established frameworks and processes of today’s Wi-Fi. The 802.11bf Task Group recognizes the gradual evolution of Wi-Fi, considering that the adoption of new standards like Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 7 takes time, often spanning several years, as Wi-Fi standards are typically updated every four years or so.  

“Our primary goal with 802.11bf was to provide more flexible and robust sensing features without introducing any PHY modifications,” said Chris Beg, Wireless Systems Architect at Cognitive and 802.11bf Task Group member. “Legacy sensing components as are currently used today will still be necessary well into the future; however, introducing 802.11bf capable devices onto your network will provide the sensing application with additional tools that can be used to deliver more advanced and reliable solutions.” 

To ensure continuous evolution and leverage previous advancements, the 802.11bf standard seamlessly integrates advanced sensing capabilities into existing Wi-Fi networks without rendering legacy devices obsolete. The tech industry widely acknowledges that hardware costs can be a significant barrier to adopting new technologies. Therefore, 802.11bf builds upon existing legacy devices, enhancing their features rather than necessitating their replacement. Cognitive has extensive experience in this process, having initiated numerous integration projects to enable existing Wi-Fi chips to fully utilize Wi-Fi Sensing capabilities ahead of initial standardization. While these integration efforts were time-consuming and costly, the forthcoming generation of chips designed with Wi-Fi Sensing capabilities will greatly enhance technology accessibility.  

Key Improvements to Legacy Sensing

802.11bf aims to enhance legacy sensing by ensuring interoperability between devices adhering to different Wi-Fi standards, facilitating smooth transitions and communication. This approach allows legacy devices to gradually adopt newer Wi-Fi Sensing capabilities, eliminating the need for immediate upgrades or replacements. To enhance legacy sensing, 802.11bf employs specific mechanisms, such as:  

  1. Leveraging Existing PHY: 802.11bf protocols are designed to maintain the core Wi-Fi communication standards without significant alterations. Changes mainly occur at the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer, including improved coordination mechanisms and dynamic channel assignment, while preserving the Physical Layer (PHY) definitions. Reusing the existing PHY allows chipset vendors to avoid major design changes by leveraging current components to reduce risk and speed up time to market. 
  2. Negotiated Sensing Parameters: The 802.11bf standard streamlines the negotiation of sensing parameters, ensuring applications receive reliable and consistent measurements. It covers aspects like sensing duration, frequency bands, and transmission schedules, allowing legacy devices to join advanced sensing without major changes. In contrast, legacy sensing methods lack configuration consistency, making it challenging to determine if measurement changes are due to environmental shifts or transmit parameter alterations. 
  3. Flexible Sensing Topologies: The standard allows for flexible sensing topologies, meaning that client devices can engage in measurements with multiple APs or directly with other clients. This flexibility ensures that older devices can smoothly join sensing operations, overcoming limitations from their initial design and enhancing overall system performance. 

In conclusion, the 802.11bf standard represents a pivotal advancement in the realm of wireless technology, seamlessly integrating motion sensing capabilities into existing Wi-Fi networks. By focusing on reuse, 802.11bf ensures that both new and legacy devices can coexist and benefit from enhanced sensing functionalities without the need for immediate and costly upgrades. This thoughtful approach not only addresses the growing demand for Wi-Fi Sensing applications but also sets a precedent for future standards.  

As the industry prepares for the final approval of 802.11bf in 2025, the potential for transformative applications across smart homes, security systems, and beyond becomes increasingly evident. Through its design focus on reusing existing components, 802.11bf promises to enhance the user experience, improve device interoperability, and pave the way for the next leap in wireless technology.  

Stay tuned as we delve deeper into what is in store for this standard in our upcoming blog series.