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September 5, 2024

What Role Do Wi-Fi Mesh Networks Play in a Standardized Future?

Note: The following blog, co-authored by Chris Beg, Cognitive’s Wireless Systems Architect, is Part 2 of our 802.11bf standard blog series. If you are interested in exploring our other topics, you can navigate to our 802.11bf blog landing page. 

In recent years, Wi-Fi mesh networks have emerged as a revolutionary solution in wireless networking, transforming how we experience connectivity at homes and businesses. This shift from traditional single-router setups to distributed access points (APs) has not only eliminated Wi-Fi dead zones but has also significantly improved reliability and support for a growing number of connected devices.  

Now, with the advent of the 802.11bf standard, the significance of Wi-Fi mesh networks in fully unleashing the potential of Wi-Fi Sensing technology is more crucial than ever. This blog will explore the benefits of mesh networks for Wi-Fi Sensing and its implications for supporting an interoperable, standardized future for the technology. 

Leveraging Mesh Network Strengths for Advanced Wi-Fi Sensing  

Wi-Fi Sensing capitalizes on the inherent strengths of mesh networks to enable advanced functionalities without the need for additional infrastructure. The topology of mesh networks enhances Wi-Fi Sensing by using interconnected mesh nodes—APs like routers or extenders—that work together to create seamless and robust coverage. This setup leverages the distributed and more diverse connections of a home wireless network, which can enhance the effectiveness and reliability of Wi-Fi Sensing in the following ways: 

  • Adding More APs: Each mesh node increases the number of links and channels available for sensing, improving coverage and accuracy.  
  • Leveraging Wireless Backhaul Links: These types of links, typically used for data, can also be utilized for sensing, further expanding the network’s capabilities.  
  • Enhancing Spatial Diversity: More APs mean multiple viewpoints, leading to better detection accuracy and reduced false positives. 

Effective Wi-Fi Sensing systems benefit from carefully selecting which devices participate and contribute to the sensing application. Mesh pods are ideal for this role due to their stable communication, reliable radiofrequency (RF) characteristics, and continuous operation without frequent recharging, ensuring accurate data collection and analysis. This flexibility in device selection and network topology allows for better optimization of Wi-Fi Sensing. However, it’s important to note that a network optimized for sensing may not meet the data demands of activities like streaming or gaming. To address this, the 802.11bf standard introduces tools that, when combined with intelligent sensing applications, enable mesh networks to utilize a topology optimized for sensing while simultaneously supporting a potentially different topology optimized for communication. 

Finally, mesh networks also offer additional benefits to end users who may not be familiar with smart home best practices or the latest technology synergies. By purchasing a mesh network setup as a package, users can ensure that all devices support the latest standards, which streamlines the deployment of Wi-Fi Sensing features. This approach provides a robust infrastructure supporting advanced sensing capabilities across multiple access points, facilitating the implementation of Wi-Fi Sensing in homes and businesses. 

The Role of EasyMesh in Enhancing Network Performance 

In our discussions about Wi-Fi Sensing standardization, we’ve highlighted ongoing efforts to establish best practices for hardware development and system deployment. A key challenge has been the compatibility of devices from different brands, hindering seamless setup and operation. 

To help address vendor compatibility and interoperability challenges faced by consumers with mesh networking devices, the Wi-Fi Alliance introduced Wi-Fi CERTIFIED EasyMesh®. This standardized approach leverages multiple APs to create a cohesive and adaptable Wi-Fi network. EasyMesh prioritizes user convenience with easy setup and self-adjusting features while promoting greater device compatibility. Once ratified, the upcoming 802.11bf standard will seamlessly integrate with and operate within an EasyMesh network, extending compatibility. This vendor neutral network approach not only improves Wi-Fi coverage but also has the potential to bolster efficient Wi-Fi Sensing capabilities, highlighting the critical role of standardization in shaping the future of Wi-Fi Sensing. 

Facilitating Seamless Integration and Adoption  

Wi-Fi mesh networks are a game-changer in wireless connectivity, offering improved coverage, reliability, and support for expanding device demands. Their strategic node placement and intelligent data routing are crucial for unleashing the full potential of Wi-Fi Sensing technology. Integrating 11bf features into consumer devices will empower the industry to deliver more robust, advanced, and intelligent sensing applications. Building on the success of industry initiatives like Wi-Fi CERTIFIED EasyMesh, which have effectively addressed consumer needs by unlocking the potential of mesh technology, a similar focused effort on implementing 11bf capabilities can realize equivalent benefits. 

Since the availability of compatible devices will limit early adoption of 802.11bf, mesh systems are particularly well-positioned to introduce and leverage the new sensing features of 11bf. Mesh pods, equipped with the latest standards, form the necessary backhaul connections that enable 11bf’s advanced sensing tools to function. This unified approach not only boosts network performance but also accelerates the deployment of Wi-Fi Sensing capabilities across various environments. As Wi-Fi technology evolves, the synergy between mesh networks and Wi-Fi Sensing is poised to revolutionize connectivity and drive transformative wireless solutions in the future.